Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What's in your desk #1

This post is inspired by Dave Mulder's posts on What's in Your Desk Drawer.

This is a picture of a folder I have in my desk. I'm not sure what to call this folder, but on those days when it's been rough, when I haven't done my job well, a parent has said something that makes me doubt my ability as a teacher, when a student I desperately want to help I can't get through to, on those bad days, this is the folder that I go to.

It has letters, and notes, printed emails, postits and more. Any time someone has given me an encouraging note that made me feel like I was good at this job I stashed it in this folder.

This is the place that I go when I need to remind myself that I can do this job well.

Every teacher, every student, every person needs a place like this.

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