Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bringing Experts to class

One of the key components of PBL projects is that you want to bring experts into your classroom.

This isn't always easy, but with today's technology there are ways to make it easier. This past week we had an expert visit our classroom via Google Hangouts even though he was half a continent away. I had my students blog in response to his presentation. You can read a sample of their responses here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Students creating Video Games from a Christian Worldview

My school has been exploring the world of Project Based Learning.

This year I decided to take on the challenge of having my students create video games and attempt to apply a Christian Worldview to the process.

This won't be easy. It isn't easy for us as adults to navigate how Christ asks us to interact with culture. But it's worth trying to do.

As part of the project I've asked students to prepare blog posts. You can go and see the first results of this here.