Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A "Free" Bike update

I blogged earlier about the "free" bike we picked up for my son.

Last night we went out and picked up this bike for $30:

It works. No major repairs needed. I might need to change the brake pads.

I've also learned that I'm just not that good at repairing bikes.

Sometimes it's just better to go and spend the money and effort to buy something that works, rather than to cobble it together yourself.

Friday, July 14, 2017

How experienced are we?

Just the other day I heard a statement that really struck me.

"None of our teachers have more than 8 years experience, no matter how long they've been teaching. Too many things have changed in education."

This statement startled me. I've been teaching for 17 years. (or something like that. I keep forgetting. I have to ask my 7 year old daughter how old I am because she knows better than I do. And don't you dare ask me how long I've been married. The correct answer is, "It isn't long enough, my wife is too awesome.)

This statement suggests that most of that experience just doesn't count.

I think I agree. Too much has changed for us to rely on years of experience beyond 8. I even wonder if 8 years is too long.

Mind you, I think elements of that experience do matter. Elements of understanding of human nature, of how to build connections with people, and experience of that nature last. Compassion, relationship, and nurturing matter and include skills that last forever.

But the minute we start talking about pedagogy, curriculum, content, and other similar topics experience does not have the same value it once did.

Or at least that's what I think.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Cost of Textbooks

Link to where I found this.

When I saw this graph it made me smile.

But it also made me think. What role are textbooks going to take in the future?

I've seen the steady growth of the Software As A Service model. Just witness the growth of Google Suite in Education.

I wonder if the same kind of thing is going to happen to textbooks.