I love the story of Barbara Arrowsmith Young. A woman faced with a bevy of Learning Disabilities takes them on and overcomes them through hard work and determination.
That's why I get frustrated whenever I read yet another psycho-educational report from another psychologist who throws technology at a student as if it will make their learning disability go away.
Imagine the 7 year old child who is handed a tablet in class and told to use it. If they were distracted in class already, this is supposed to be less distracting?
I hear time and time again this assumption that kids "just get technology". As if just handing them a device is all we have to do.
Students with learning disabilities will struggle to learn the technology well and may even be more distracted by the tool than mainstream students.
Do I mean to say that there is no place for these tools at all? Certainly not. But we need to be giving more thought to how and why they are deployed and we need to make sure there are the necessary supports in place for students to succeed.
We also need to manage parent expectations. These tools and devices will not make the learning disability go away.
It's not only for learning disabled students for whom we have to be careful...we have to be careful for ALL students: