I was privileged enough to be invited to go to the The Vancouver Symposium on Christian Education for the 21st Century a short while ago. I was even asked to share my experiences to a small group. It was a real honour.
I'm still processing all I heard and experienced there. I just finished reading some of the other delegates blogs about their take a ways, and I though I would have to share mine. Thanks Paul Kelly, Barend Blom, and Pippa Davies.
1) I was so amazed to spend time with Christians from all over the world. France, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa, South America, and so many more. It was such a blessing to see so many educators with a passion for Christian Education.
2) It was such a blessing to learn about so many other ways of doing Christian education. The group of schools I belong to is relatively homogeneous, and this group of educators was anything but!
3) I was especially inspired by the work of our colleagues from Northern Beaches Christian School in Australia. Their work is inspiring me to consider doing some very different things here.
It was an incredible experience, and I hope that I have the opportunity to go again next year, God willing.
Hi Alex. Thank-you for the mention on this post. I too enjoyed the #21stedu conference immensely. I 're-post' each of your three points above. No doubt that it was a combination of people (key leaders & educators), purpose (Christian education), and passion (the embrace of 21st century skills & tools) that made these three days so powerful. I am very committed to returning next year and seeing the manifesto take shape! Thanks again for your post! Paul