Just the other day I googled myself. I was a little surprised to see ratemyteacher back on the top page. It meant that someone had posted a new comment. Which on that website is never a good thing. Here's what this unknown person had to say:
With all the online teaching one wonders what happens during the day. Seems like someone doesn't like to make lesson plans" Check it out here.
This post bothers me quite a bit for a number of reasons.
- It is clearly not a student I have taught. It is a parent or possibly a fellow teacher.
- I work and live in a Christian community and yet this person is unwilling to come to me and speak to me directly.
- This person clearly has no idea what I do in the classroom and yet feels it necessary to anonymously post about my teaching.
Let me address this persons concerns.
About what goes on in my room:
You wonder what happens in my room? So, come visit my classroom! Or ask a student who has actually been in it. Or ask me about it. I am more than happy to help explain it. I even have a 20 minute video I'll share with you if you really want to understand it well.
About Lesson Plans:
I have spent more time creating lesson plans now than I ever did before. (And I did lots of lesson plans before!) Teaching the way I do requires that you know your curriculum inside out and upside down and have it planned days, weeks, and months ahead. You don't do less lesson planning, you do more!
I know that I am doing unusual and even, dare I say it, innovative things in my classroom. For many this can be scary. I also know that what I am doing is not perfect, that it has room for growth.
So, come give me some courageous feedback! I'd love to speak with you about it and put your fears to rest. For any other parents or teachers out there who wonder about what I'm doing, come talk to me. I won't bite, I promise!