But to be honest, there's too much there for me to keep it all in my mind all the time.
So I've found myself gravitating to one of the statements in particular.
"Every Child Matters"
I do my best to live this out each day in my classroom as best as I am able.What strikes me though, as we stand at a crossroads in Christian Education, is that I think that this statement is one of the fundamental ideas that should drive the way we teach.
I look at things like A School of One, Khanacademy, iTunes U, the Minerva Project, MOOCs, Coursera, Rocketship Schools, the Arrowsmith program, the Fast ForWord program, and so many more to see the possibilities that lie on the road ahead.
We can create schools where "Every Child Matters". As Christian Educators I think that it is our calling.
Even though I don't know what lies at the end of the road, I'm ready to start the journey.
Are you?